




Features detection
  • Coronal Holes

Code operational. Run for the period 1996-2009. Insertion in HFC in progress

  • Active Regions

Code operational (updated recently). Run in progress

  • Filaments

Code operational (updated recently). Run for the period 2000-2006. Insertion in HFC in progress

  • Type III radio bursts

Code operational. Run will begin early March

  • Type II radio bursts

Code in test phase

Features tracking
  • Coronal Holes


  • Active Regions

Code in progress

  • Filaments

Code operational. Run in progress

HFC (Heliophysics Features Catalogue)

HFC holds table for Filaments, Active Regions and Coronal Holes, as well as for filament tracking.
It will be updated for Active Regions before the end of February 2011 and, at the beginning of March 2011 for type III radio bursts.
A very rough access to it is available at:
and a GUI is being developed. A very preliminary prototype is available at:
In March, HFC will be moved on a virtual machine of Virtual Observatory Paris Data Centre, maintained 7/7, 24/24 and 365/365, mirrored in Paris and in Meudon (suburb of Paris), avoiding the risk of network problems.
Status of HFC can be followed through:
and Web Services appear on:
Discussion is in progress on the way to connect HFC to the rest of the HELIO system. Probably a good solution could be to have an external access through a specific GUI, which provides a VOTable output used as an input by the HELIO Front End.


Discussions concerning propagation model are still in progress. An inventory of propagation models has been written by UPST partner while TCD partner proposes a very simple ballistic model that can be used for test. As for HFC, the best place to apply propagation models is still under discussion.


An attempt to apply SPASE ( Data Model is in progress, in order to describe solar observation. It seems to fit quite well our needs. But it may fail at linking observations/data together.

Mis à jour par Jean Aboudarham il y a plus de 13 ans · 4 révisions